A great way to gain knowledge and network is through conducting informational interviews. Find someone who has a position you would like to have one day or is in a field you are interested in pursuing. Even if they are not in the exact position you see yourself in, they may be able to connect you with others. What makes information interviews so great is that there is no pressure. You can ask questions that may not be as appropriate to ask in a formal interview setting. They are great tools for exploring different paths, work-life balance, and company culture. There are so many ways to go about finding people who would be good to interview in this field.
Utilize the professionals in this university. For people interested in working in education, event planning, fundraising/development, human resources, or administration, there are so many professionals you can reach out to right on this campus. You could ask to set up an appointment with a professor, someone in the Dean of Students Office, or someone who works on graduation planning or our other large scale events. There are a ton of people here who would be happy to speak with you.
Contact high school teachers or friends who teach. If you’re interested in pursuing education, I’m sure your former teachers would be delighted if you reached out to them. Ask about how they got to be where they are now. Discuss what you think you are interested in teaching and which grade level. They may be able to connect with you with someone who is doing what you hope to.
Use Mentor Match. It’s a database of alumni who want to help you! Choose a mentor whose work aligns with your interests. It’s a great way to connect to people who want to give back to Binghamton.
Utilize the alumni feature on the Binghamton University’s LinkedIn page. Go to the Binghamton University page. Click the Alumni tab. There you can search companies and geographic locations which you are interested in to find alumni who work there. From there you can connect with. Be sure to include a message with your request. From there you can ask to set up an informational interview.
For more information on how to conduct an informational interview, check out our Exploring Career Guide and Career Guide.