Landing your ideal career after graduation or pursuing graduate school takes more than just going to class each day. Take a look at the tips below and other blog posts to gain some insight on what you can do now to succeed before and after graduation and how to translate your military experience into a more civilian-friendly understanding.
Explore your options: Make an appointment to learn about career choices with your major; complete a self-assessment to help you discover your strengths, and use resources to build an action plan to turn your degree into a career.
Get experience: Seek out an internship, volunteer, shadowing, or research opportunities to gain practical experience in an occupation or career field. Keep your eye on B-Line Announcements for all on-campus opportunities!
Become a student leader: Employers and graduate schools want to see leadership experiences on your resume. Check out B-Engaged to get involved with a student organization as a general member or in an e-board position to refine your leadership skills.