When I was asked what my skills were back when I first started college, all I could tell you was that I liked helping people. And that was partially why I struggled to decide what I wanted to do because I felt that was pretty vague! I wish I had known about O*NET’s Data feature back then because I could have guided my career exploration more strategically!
To use this tool, you can click here! It is going to show you what careers most utilize the skill “service orientation,” which they define as “Actively looking for ways to help people.” You will notice it also lists the different job zones associated with each career. The higher the number, the more education/training is required.
Take a look at all the careers that require your helping skill and click on each title to get detailed information about each role! There are professional associations listed at the bottom of each career page to help you gain even more insight into the profession! I recommend exploring this great resource and coming in to talk about your exploration with a Career Consultant!