Getting Engaged in Education – Different ways to get involved in the industry

Hey Students!

It’s Lotus, one of the career influencer interns. Today I wanted to write to you about some entry level ways to get involved in the education industry. 

First way that you may have already done or gotten involved with: Babysitting. Now I know it sounds basic, and like something anyone can do, but if you’ve consistently been babysitting within your community, and providing homework help, tutoring services, infant care; all of that can help develop key skills of working with children. Especially if you’re well recommended and liked by the parents in the area. 

Another way is lifeguarding or lifeguard instructing. Or even Scuba instructing. As someone who is a lifeguard and lifeguard instructor, you are able to directly interact and supervise kids, learn crucial skills like CPR and lifesaving which is important in the classroom environment. Plus as a lifeguard instructor, you’re directly involved in teaching kids or adults different skills to be able to effectively be a lifeguard. Which is also additional exposure to teaching. (We have lifeguard certification courses here on campus for credit!) And fun fact, with retirement tiers, lifeguarding can actually upgrade your retirement tier up to a tier 4, meaning you only would have to contribute to your retirement for 10 additional years. Please note: Most facilities only accept Red Cross lifeguard certifications. (And they’re more trustworthy for accurate skills)

Third way: Working over the summer at a summer camp. Summer camps are a form of child development as well, if you were working at a more specialized camp like a science or math based camp, or nature based camp, that helps too. Your exposure to working with younger kids will help build credibility and confidence on your resume to potential employers showing that you genuinely enjoy working with them. Plus, summer camps usually involve the teaching and learning of skills, so you’re already engaging with the practice of teaching. 

Fourth way: Afterschool programs or community engagement programs like the Girl Scouts or the Boy Scouts of America. The Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts are HUGELY connected organizations and administrations with vast connections in schools across the country. That is a wonderful way to establish connections within education, and if you make it to a leadership position, can help you assert your ability to teach and lead other kids. Afterschool programs like a afterschool service for kids who need to get picked up later for example, and helping them with their homework is another way. Plus, this can lead to tutoring, engaging, or other forms of engagement.

Last way I’m going to mention: Teaching Assistantship. Here in college, you have the ability to work as a TA for classes you’ve already taken or subjects you’ve shown proficiency in. You can apply through the department or sometimes on HireBing (Our Handshake service). That’s something you can actively do now as a college student to expose yourself to teaching, grading, and more.

Overall, there’s tons of ways to get involved with Education, without working in a school right away. Keep checking out handshake, and explore these options! Good luck Bearcats!

By Lotus Taylor
Lotus Taylor