How This Analyst Learned to Serve — and Lead — at NGA

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How This Analyst Learned to Serve — and Lead — at NGA was originally published on Power to Fly.

Anne Do was recently visiting her cousin in San Francisco, California, for less than 48 hours. In that time, she made two cakes and a dozen French macarons.

“I told my family, ‘You won’t be seeing me for a while!’ and packed up what I could for their freezer,” says Anne, smiling.

The web analytics team lead for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, or NGA, is accustomed to accomplishing a lot in a short amount of time.

With less than two years under her belt as a full-time employee at the Agency, Anne has already taken on the role of a team lead, became the co-lead of the NGA’s Asian Pacific American Council (APAC), and collaborated closely with multiple components to successfully executed a five-person live broadcast panel event for this May Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPHM).

We sat down with Anne to find out how she makes this all happen — and, importantly, how APAC has worked to support its members during a year of unprecedented racially-motivated attacks.

Driven to Serve

Anne says that public service is in her blood. As a first-generation Vietnamese-American whose father and grandfather both served in the military, Anne knew she wanted to follow in their footsteps by giving back. She earned her undergraduate degree in Information Technology (IT) – Network Administration and master’s in Information Systems Technology Management, subsequently working as a systems, database and cloud engineer for various government organizations.

After working technical integration logistics management for the State Department, she was hired as a contractor at NGA while pursuing her graduate degree at GWU. After a few years in, she realized that one of her customers could modernize how they delivered map specifications to industry, military and international partners by moving from a local database to the cloud.

She wrote a proposal, including her own research and cost calculations, and it was approved. For three years, while managing her daily work responsibilities, she was also successful in learning achieving data and cloud migration accreditations. It was then that Anne realized she wanted to work as a NGA employee in a data science capacity.

“I have done the network aspect. I did the system and data engineering. I really enjoy dealing with methods of transforming data into a strategic asset, and seeing it come to fruition, so I figured, let’s see what opportunity NGA has in the data field. I put my name into the hat without really thinking that I would get it,” says Anne.

She did get it. And two months later, she was provided with an opportunity to serve as the web analytics lead.

Determined to Lead

When Anne started as a NGA employee, she ran into a challenging situation.

“I realized I needed to balance being organizational, tech savvy with being savvy at office dynamics”, she explained. “I needed to extend myself beyond tackling specific goals and be the kind of leader, who could successful manage demanding situations.”

That need for community and support drove Anne to join APAC, a Special Emphasis Program (SEP), NGA’s employee resource group for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI).

At her first meeting, she met the APAC’s co-lead who was serving food for everyone. She was shocked—and impressed—to see such gracious leadership.

Shortly after joining the council, that co-lead position became available. Anne took charge and raised her hand to become the new co-lead.

That was in February 2020. A month later, the COVID-19 pandemic began, and anti-Asian sentiment began to rise in the US.

“I have two elderly parents who take daily walks, and I had to wonder if I needed my parents to curtail their normal routine,” says Anne.

Other members of APAC shared their concerns with the council: they found themselves looking over their shoulders in their neighborhoods and grocery stores, wondering if a violent attacker was near, and they struggled to focus on work amid news coverage of increasing violence. They wondered what kind of support NGA could provide them.

Anne and her co-lead focused on a three-part response strategy: listening, providing resources, and advocating. Here’s what it looked like:

  • Listening: “I had to learn to ask people I work with, ‘How are you today? versus How things are going? I emphasize the ‘you’ part because that gives them a chance to open up and discuss how they’re feeling,” she says. APAC started sending emails, partnering with other agencies’ AAPI leads to provide a platform that served as open forums for anyone who wanted to share their thoughts, fears, or reflections.
  • Providing resources: Anne and the APAC & SEP team communicated the NGA resources available to employees, including counseling, monthly meetings, speakers, reminders about mental health and sick days, and access to the AAPI network in the greater Intelligence Community, for anyone who needed help. “It was about enabling them to feel that their voices were being heard and showing there are efforts put in place to help prevent any uneasiness with what was happening outside of the workforce,” she says.
  • Advocating: On a personal and professional level, Anne believes in advocacy. “The more you open yourself up and have these hard conversations, the more you can educate people on the AAPI experience and move past the model minority myth…” she says.

As important as Anne knows her work with APAC to be, she acknowledges that it’s not easy to heal from the threat of violence and experiences of everyday racism. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to go back to my pre-pandemic comfort level,” she says.

Finding Inspiration to Keep Going

Anne didn’t meet her APAC co-lead in person until this May, well over a year after becoming an advisor to the council. They were working together virtually up until broadcasting rehearsal for the AAPHM observance event.

“It hits a little closer to home for a lot of us,” she says of this year’s celebrations. Anne signed up to be the logistics manager for the event, and found herself designing a speaking panel that was the agency’s first all-Asian-American-descent panel. The event’s keynote speaker was Huan Nguyen, the first Vietnamese-American Rear Admiral of the U.S. Navy.

“We couldn’t have asked for a better keynote,” Anne says. “He addressed the community about the events that had happened, saying, ‘It’s real. What can we do to make sure that not equality but actual equity gets taken care of?’ and ‘It doesn’t matter what your heritage is — you’re American first.'”

The event was the highlight of Anne’s tenure at NGA, she says, and she knows she’s not the only one who felt the power of coming together as a community.

“A coworker who has been in federal service for over 30 years told me that was one of the most honest, genuine addresses that she ever had experienced in her career,” says Anne.

Anne wants to pay that feeling forward, and has one last piece of advice for anyone considering stepping up and becoming a leader in their own organization: “Be more willing to take part in the change that you believe in, even if it scares the heck out of you. I definitely never expected to be where I am now, but I’m so glad that I raised my hand.”

If you want to be part of the next wave of changemakers at NGA, check out their open roles.

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