This community is meant to provide information and resources to help you navigate your career development as a student identifying as LGBTQ+. We are here to support you throughout the process and to answer your questions about how to address topics like identity disclosure and finding LGBTQ friendly employers throughout your job search and in the workplace. Feel free to browse the Fleishman Center resources to educate yourself about your rights and policies.
So much of personal finance success is based on our money stories.
And our money stories are written by our background, our race, our gender or sexual orientation—all the things that have nothing to do with math and everything to do with who we are.
So, what if you’re a first-generation immigrant who grew …
Some employers are careful to ask every candidate for a role the same questions and in the same order. Doing otherwise can introduce bias into the interview process, even if it is unconscious.
Whether you’re an employer looking to hire inclusion-minded individuals or a job applicant seeking out a workplace that champions diverse talent, chances are you’re nosing around — subtly — to ascertain whether the people you’re hoping …
In recent years, organizations have been looking to hire diverse candidates in order to portray a strong global outlook in a workforce made up of various different ethnicities, races, sexes, and religions.
Companies understand how important it is to have diversity within …
The Movement Advancement Project (MAP) tracks over 50 different LGBTQ-related laws and policies. This map shows the overall policy tallies (as distinct …