Throughout your career development, it is important to be informed about navigating the world of work as a woman and connected to individuals who share similar experiences and can offer support. This group is meant to provide resources that address the unique needs of women and provide mentorship to elevate the career outcomes of women, especially those in male-dominated professions.
In 2018, Amazon scrapped its in-house applicant tracking system because of one major flaw: it didn’t like resumes containing the word “women,” so if an applicant listed “mentoring women entrepreneurs” as one of their achievements, they were out of luck. …
This article was written by Cindy Pace, Ed.D., is a global talent and diversity leader, lecturer, and adjunct professor of organizational leadership with 20 years of professional corporate experience working in financial services, health care, and biopharmaceuticals. Read the full …
“Organizations expect people who are new to a role (and particularly people who are new to a firm) to grow into the position. They want new hires to ask a lot of questions, to seek out mentoring, and to even …
Check out these nine alumni stories that will encourage you to get focused, follow your dreams and make yourself heard. From TV executives, to entrepreneurs, to founders of feminist movements, our alumnae are seriously impressive. So if you’re stuck in …
Provides opportunities for businesswomen of diverse occupations to grow personally and professionally through leadership, education and networking support