College Progressives


Group type: Student Association Organizations



The College Progressives are a group intended to act as a voice for progressive leftist politics on campus, as well as a center to concentrate activist activities among students. The College Progressives was formed in response to the desire and need for a politically oriented group on campus that emphasizes action, rather than rhetoric. The College Progressives fill a much-needed role on campus as a central hub for activism to take place. Where prior to the club’s founding, activism and progressive leftist politics were spread across a wide variety of groups who often did not engage students in active community involvement, there now exists a place where students from varying passions and backgrounds can come and work together to actively build a better community through political activism, volunteer work, and collaborative effort. Geared toward action, the College Progressives contrast with existing political groups by going beyond mere discussion of issues in order to create the change its members wish to see in the world. Based on unity and democracy, the College Progressives contrast with other action-oriented groups on campus by providing a centralized place where passions and talents from a wide variety of backgrounds can be utilized towards a larger goal of a more progressive community, instead of advocating for one specific group.



The College Progressives act with the clear goal of creating a more welcoming, inclusive, and forward-thinking community both on campus and in the local area. To reach this goal, the College Progressives gather energized students together and utilizes their combined talents to engage in action and education about issues facing students, as well as the country and world in which they live. On campus, the College Progressives hope to achieve the creation of a hub of action-based activity, where students can bring issues they feel passionate about and execute actions to address them in a productive and collaborative manner with other students. Furthermore, the College Progressives hope to bring a progressive point of view to campus to diversify the current political spectrum on campus and provide an alternative to existing political groups at a time when many are frustrated with the political status quo. The College Progressives will achieve these goals by creating a democratic structure in which all student members are encouraged to actively participate and contribute their ideas and talents to address issues that matter to them. The leadership of the Progressives will take the ideas and talents offered by group members and use them to plan events which spread awareness or directly affect issues that membership are interested in.



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