The mission of our student chapter at Binghamton University School of Pharmacy is to advocate for health education on safe and effective use of medications in pediatric population, along with their caregivers in our community. This chapter would allow the student pharmacists to apply their didactic knowledge into their professional lives. Our purpose is to engage more pharmacy students into understanding what the field of Pediatrics has to offer and being able to shadow a pediatric resident/ or a pharmacist would allow the pharmacy students to visualize the daily life aspects of a pediatric pharmacist. Our vision through this student chapter would be to provide the platform for the incoming students, to further educate themselves on the importance of this special population and what impact can we make on this profession. At the end of the day, we as pharmacists want to prove ourselves as a good healthcare professional and to expand our scope of practice in order to provide better patient-centered care.
By joining this organization (by paying local dues of $10 and national dues), the students will be able to take part in seminars, patient care co-curricular events, attending national conferences (fall and annual), fund raising events, along with many other benefits that the student chapter will be providing to Pediatric Pharmacy Association at Binghamton members.