Student Advisory Board

The Fleishman Center Student Advisory Board provides an opportunity for students and student organizations to influence the development of Fleishman Career Center programming and initiatives.The Fleishman Career Center aims to amplify the voices of students of various identities to provide insight into emerging issues and create services, programs and career education that is inclusive, equitable and accessible.  

Student Advisory Board members serve as a liaison between the Fleishman Career Center and Binghamton student organizations while gaining tailored and relevant career education. As part of the Student Advisory Board, participants and their student organizations receive a $500 grant for use toward a professional development opportunity. Previous events have included a Building Your Brand Workshop, Boston Law School Trip and the Spring 2024 Environmental and Sustainability Careers Fair.

Participants and their student organizations:

  • INFLUENCE CAREER CENTER PROGRAMS: Provide valuable feedback that directly shapes the programming and events of the Fleishman Career Center, ensuring they meet the diverse needs of the student body.
  • CUSTOMIZED CAREER DEVELOPMENT: Receive specialized professional development and career education sessions at each meeting, tailored to the unique goals of the members and their organizations.
  • BUILD CONNECTIONS: Build a strong relationship with the Fleishman Career Center and better connect their organization’s members to career development content and programming

This is a one-year commitment open to students of any class year who are in an elected board position for a Binghamton University student organization. Applications are accepted in the fall semester each year and a limited number of spaces are available. Students can learn more and apply using the following link: