Joseph is the Senior Vice President of Legal and FCC Compliance for FOX Television Stations, one of the largest television …
Michael is a Trademark Attorney and a Partner with Steptoe and Johnson, a law firm in Washington, DC. Leading the …
Linda is the President and CEO of the Hiscock Legal Aid Society in Syracuse, NY. With a background in family …
James is a Circuit Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, a territory that includes …
Janet is an immigration attorney and the Principal Attorney at Moon Law Office, LLC. Located in Syracuse, NY, Janet’s main …
The Honorable William Hayes is a District Court Judge in the Southern California District of the United States Courts. As …
Joshua is a Real Estate Attorney with Wooden McLaughlin LLP in Indianapolis, IN. As a form of a transaction attorney, …
Peter is the Chief Operating Officer of the Oneida Indian Nation and the Oneida Nation Enterprises, LLC. Based out of …
Chester is a Doctoral Student and a Public Administration Fellow at the University of Delaware. He is working on applied …