Are you looking for a community to connect with? Check out “The Mighty”

The Mighty is an online community designed to connect people with disabilities and health challenges. Their goal is to connect people tackling similar challenges and allow them to feel seen and understood by others, as well as to provide resources and information. After joining this site, you can become involved in different sub-communities that share stories and provide group-specific resources. There are over 600 communities, which makes it possible for every user to find niche groups that are highly useful and informative, whether it be for a challenge they personally face or to get information to better understand and support a friend. Members also have the opportunity to submit a personal story and potentially have it published on the site! The Mighty makes it easy to stay connected and up-to-date on all the latest news and information for your community by allowing you to follow bloggers and content creators, emailing highlights from your news feed for you, and also providing an app so you can access the content from your smartphone. 

By Julia Sullivan
Julia Sullivan Marketing Graduate Assistant