Exploring Interests and Careers

Choosing a career can be both exciting and intimidating. Most students are unsure about what to major in, and it is common for students to change their minds about a major or career.

The Fleishman Center is here to help you when making these important decisions. Our team of Career Consultants can provide you with the tools, resources and guidance needed to choose a career that reflects your own values, strengths and interests.

While some careers, like nursing or engineering, require a specific undergraduate major, many industries and employers welcome students in all majors. What will be more important to your career success is taking the time to choose a major that matches your interests and in which you can do well, while engaging in meaningful extra-curricular activities—including clubs, volunteering, research and internships—outside the classroom.

Explore Your Interests and Make Meaningful Connections

The Fleishman Center has developed a number of award-winning programs designed to introduce you to a variety of fields that may interest you. In addition to participating in our programs, self assessment tools are an excellent place to start when making career choices such as choosing a major, exploring occupations and determining a career plan. These tools can help you identify work interests, personal Interests, strengths and values and relate them to the world of work. Self-reflection and understanding are a great starting point to help identify possible career paths and environments that allow you to be your best.

Explore Careers and Make Meaningful Connections

Career exploration tools can help you understand what careers exist, what particular jobs are like, how much you can earn in a specific career, and other useful information to help you make informed decisions about possible careers. We also offer a variety of programs to help you connect with successful alumni and professionals in a variety of fields.


Attend a series of Employer Treks and Networking Nights in various cities to learn how organizations operate and network with alumni and recruiters.  Learn More

Connections for Success

This professional development retreat prepares sophomores with the tools necessary to be competitive applicants for internships and employment. Learn more. 

Self-Assessment Tools

The Fleishman Center offers three different Self-Assessment Tools to help you identify your work interests, personal interests, strengths and values and relate them to the world of work. Explore Tools

CDCI 200 – Career Exploration Class

This 2-credit online career exploration course is designed for students who are uncertain about their major/career paths.  Learn more and register. 

Featured Resources

Online assessment tool that helps with career decisions such as choosing a major, exploring occupations and understanding your interests.

Career Exploration Guide: Assessing Interests, Making Connections & Creating a Plan

Learn how to identify your interests as they relate to careers, making connections and develop your individual career plan.

The Fleishman Center Student Advisory Board provides an opportunity for students and student organizations to influence the development of Fleishman …

Forbes is a global media company, focusing on business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, and lifestyle. -Forbes

Harvard Business Review

“Harvard Business Review Group Harvard Business Review is the leading destination for smart management thinking. Through its flagship magazine, books, and …

Established in 2018, this internship fund sponsors talented undergraduate students who are completing unpaid or paid summer internships. This fund …

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University Union 133

Office Hours

Monday 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Thursday 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Learn more about career consulting appointments here!