A Day in the Life of a Binghamton Alumni: Jason Giunta ’20, Data Analyst

During my day as a Senior Data Analyst for Wix.com, I spend a lot of time analyzing customer purchase trends, website revenue/traffic patterns, and product engagement statistics. I work closely with our leadership teams to identify a vision for my team’s future and how we can use our data to predict how key metrics will perform based on our strategy. The most important aspect of my role is how we can paint a picture of the impact our business will have on our customer base through the lens of our data. As most companies now are, being a data-driven organization helps us understand things like the impact COVID had on online businesses and how past trends influence decisions for the future.

Technical Skills Gained At Binghamton:

The technical skills I learned during my classes at Binghamton as a Math major and MBA student gave me an incredible knowledge base and practical-use experience to kick-start my everyday use of SQL, Python, and Tableau, specifically. Having a strong understanding of the basics in these programs helped tremendously at the beginning of my career as I now spend hours a day building queries in SQL to gather data sets, analyze those sets in Python, and create data visualizations in Tableau for the rest of the company to be able to access and understand our data/trends. The exposure we had to many different analytics tools and languages at Binghamton was crucial to landing this current role over 3 years ago and gave me the head-start to continue to develop these skills every day on the job.

Soft Skills Gained At Binghamton:

However, even more important than the technical skills I learned at Binghamton, are the soft skills I learned and developed during my time working and participating in events at the Fleishman Center. These interpersonal skills have served me the most while I continue to build my career. Spending time understanding the art of crafting a well-developed resume/cover letter and gaining experience networking at Job Fairs / NYC Employer Nights helped me get comfortable expressing my ideas in written and verbal form. Sometimes, especially as an analyst, it can be easy to get lost in the numbers and have a desire to work independently to produce reports/analysis. But, what I have found separates the good analysts from the great analysts, is a strong ability to collaborate with your stakeholders and be able to explain your work in ways everyone can understand. That is where the most rewarding part of my current role occurs as I have a seat at the decision-making table and can provide the company’s leaders with what the data shows, how I think that impacts our business, and what my proposals are for the course of action to take. This comfortability with presenting to high-level personnel was not something that came naturally to me but through practice and guidance from experiences at Binghamton and the Fleishman Center, I felt prepared to take on the challenge and it is still something I work on every day.

Advice to Current Students:

I owe a lot of where I am now to my time at Binghamton and I am grateful for all that I learned during this period of my life. So, my only advice would be to get involved, try new things constantly, and don’t be afraid to ask questions during your time at Binghamton, you never know which of those experiences you will look back upon as a stepping stone to your next accomplishment!

Jason Giunta, MBA Class of 2020

By Jason Giunta
Jason Giunta Senior Data Analyst