Check out some of our AMAZING Transfer Students who are getting ready to graduate or recently graduated to learn THE BEST tips and tricks on how to navigate your Transfer Success! What do you see as the common thread through all of their experiences and advice?
QUESTION: Can you give a brief timeline and highlight your favorite classes, internships, jobs and/or campus and community engagement?
KATHLEEN FITZMAURICE ‘24 (PSYCHOLOGY): Transferring to Binghamton in the Fall of 2022 was one of my best decisions. I have been so fortunate to have found my place and formed amazing connections professionally and socially. I have been very involved on campus through working for Residential Life as a Community Assistant in College in the Woods as well as a volunteer/mentor for the Office of Transfer Student Success. I also am a member of the Psychology Club, TOP soccer and Education Club, and cofounded the Binghamton Association for Transfer Students with three other students while serving as the Vice President and TSS Liaison. These opportunities have brought me so much joy as I have been able to pursue my passions and help my peers succeed. I have also enjoyed attending several types of events whether they be through the Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development, Transfer Student Success, Residential Life, Late Nite, and sporting events. Overall there are so many things that make Binghamton an amazing place to be!
DYLAN MURRAY ’24 (POLY SCI): My favorite classes have been SOC 200 – Foundations of Social Theory, PLCS 380K – Global Economy Since 1800, PLSC 382O – Race and American Law, and JUST 480J Religion and the Enlightenment. My internships have taken place during the summers between semesters, and included the Rhode Island Public Defender’s Intake Office, as well as the Rhode Island State Senate. For fun, I enjoy going on runs around campus.
LEAH GUAN ’24 (ECONOMICS: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS SPECIALIZATION): I came in Fall 2023 as a junior and threw myself into my studies and social life at BU these past two years. I joined OPhiA, a Co-Ed community service sorority, where I participated in a lot of events such as fundraising, tabling for a cause, bonding activities, and of course community service. I also joined a cultural club and was involved in their yearly cultural showcase where I did a traditional style dance and became a choreographer a year later. I have done so much at Binghamton such as bowling, driving to Ithaca Farmers Market, hiking in the Nature Preserve, and trying all the restaurants of downtown Binghamton. Some of my favorite classes have to be Econ 350, Out 122 (Skiing class!!), Thea 287E, and Eng 200G. I did a NYC-based internship in the summer between the two years I have been here.
CAROLINE FORTMEYER ’23 (ACCOUNTING): I transferred to Binghamton in my junior year as an Accounting major. The next summer, I completed my internship at PwC. One of my favorite experiences at Binghamton was going on the Silicon Valley Connect trip last summer. I traveled to California with a group of 20 students and visited alumni at companies like Google and Tesla!
JADA CHARTER ’23 (WOMEN’S STUDIES): I transferred to Binghamton in the Fall of 2021 and started my job at the campus Bookstore the next semester. I’ve worked there through graduation, even during the Summer, and met many great people I now call friends. In 2023, I got more involved with volunteer work, community engagement, clubs, and research. In the Spring, I volunteered to be a Food Recoverer for the Food Recovery Network and joined the Human Sexuality Research Lab (HSRL). Then, in the Summer, I joined SHADES (a multicultural, LGBTQ+ student org) as an intern and volunteered as an English Speaking Assistant for the English Language Institute. In the Fall, I became a full-time E-Board member of SHADES and was promoted to Analytical Community Lab Manager in HSRL! All in all, 2023 was a busy year for me up until I graduated last December, but I wouldn’t have done anything different!
DANIEL CHAVARRIA ’24 (BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION): I graduated from Broome Community College in 2022 and transferred to Binghamton the Fall of that same year. I was never sure of what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go, but one thing I knew was that I wanted to take full advantage of the opportunities the University had to offer.
Aside from classes, my first semester I applied to participate in the Emerging Leaders Program, I volunteered at Windsor High School tutoring Spanish through the Center for Civic Engagement. I also participated in a UNIV 103 Transfer class.
My second semester, I started an internship with the President’s Office, which was an amazing opportunity for me to learn more about the University and leave a long-lasting impact.
During the summer, I worked as an intern for the Dean of the School of Management.
During the fall of 2023, I continued my internship with the President, and also became a mentor for the Emerging Leaders Program
This (and my last) semester at Binghamton, I became a MGMT 111 mentor to help out Freshmen in the School of Management, and also have been focusing on finishing up projects with my work team, and enjoying time with my school friends.
QUESTION: What resources stand out to you for motivating your engagement and career development?
KATHLEEN FITZMAURICE: Many resources have stood out to me during my time at Binghamton. I believe the Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development has been essential to my career and professional success and I am grateful for the support I have received for graduate school selection, career exploration, interview preparation, and resume/personal statement development. I also believe that speaking with professors has helped me navigate my career goals as I have been able to determine the next stages of my education.
DYLAN MURRAY: Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development and faculty
LEAH GUAN: I love Harpur Edge, they have been so kind and helpful towards job exploration, resume assistance, and their crash courses. The Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development has also been such a help towards my career development with the events that they host and for the interview rooms (I’ve used them over a dozen times in the two years I have been here).
CAROLINE FORTMEYER: Binghamton has many great resources that made my experience as a Transfer student much more manageable. The Transfer Student Success (TSS) office and the Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development both offered programs that aided in my personal and professional development.
JADA CHARTER The Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development has many resourceful consultants who can help you resolve various career-related dilemmas. I visited the center and met with staff numerous times to fine-tune my resume, get advice and encouragement when applying for jobs post-graduation, and build a list of potential contacts for networking opportunities. The Binghamton research opportunities can also give you an idea of where your academic and professional interests lie. BU is a very research-heavy school, with research and internship opportunities for any field, and all students should participate in research at least once.
DANIEL CHAVARRIA: Firstly, the UNIV 103 Transfer class (taught by Transfer Student Success and Fleishman Career Center Staff) I took was a big influence for me because it gave me the confidence to get involved and try things out as a Transfer student. Also, my advisors and mentors I met my first semester have been the biggest motivation because they have helped me the most, teaching me about resources available and opportunities to take advantage of.
QUESTION: What are your future plans?
KATHLEEN FITZMAURICE: I will be graduating this spring with my Bachelor’s in Psychology and a minor in Education. After graduation, I will continue my education at Binghamton within the Master of Social Work Program. I have also been offered a Graduate Assistant position for the Office of Transfer Student Success. My future goal is to become a licensed Clinical Social Worker and work with individuals with disabilities.
DYLAN MURRAY: Policy Analyst
LEAH GUAN: In my future, I am hoping to find a full time job and really put my degree to use. I plan to continue doing service for my community while working. But I will continue to find the small joys in life wherever I am. Eventually, I will seek higher education and Binghamton may be my future again like it was when I was applying to transfer years ago.
CAROLINE FORTMEYER: I am currently studying for the CPA exam, and will return to PwC full-time in October 2024 as an Audit Associate.
JADA CHARTER: I plan to work for at least 1 year before I go to Grad School. I want to get my Master’s in Public Health, so I’m trying to work for a Community or Public Health organization, hospital, or clinic.
DANIEL CHAVARRIA: I have a full-time job lined up post graduation at Amphenol Aerospace as a Marketing Trainee. I am very excited because it is related to my major, and I know a few other people that are currently working there. I plan on working very hard to learn as much as I can and gain experience so that I can have a successful beginning to my career. I also want to keep enjoying living with my friends and not lose sight of my priorities.
QUESTION: What is your best advice for new Transfers?
KATHLEEN FITZMAURICE: There are so many ways to get involved and find your place. Utilize all the resources you can as everyone is here to support you. It can be hard coming in as an upperclassman as you may feel like others have their group but putting yourself out there can be extremely rewarding. I have been fortunate enough to make lifelong friends through going to events and making memories that will last a lifetime. Binghamton is a home away from home and I hope you enjoy your time!
DYLAN MURRAY: Get involved on campus and attend social events early on!
LEAH GUAN: My best advice I could give is to be willing to take a risk and talk to the person sitting beside you in class, go to that event even if you don’t have someone to go with, join that club or sorority or team. Being a Transfer can feel like an alienating experience but there are amazing people out there if you go looking. I have made some of my closest friends through my sorority who I see being in my future for years to come.
CAROLINE FORTMEYER: Your time at Binghamton is only a few short years, so be intentional about how you spend it. Don’t hold yourself back from trying new things and meeting new people. Graduation will be here before you know it!
JADA CHARTER: You need to put yourself out there and get involved in as many social clubs, volunteer work, and community-based activities as your schedule will allow. It gets lonely and overwhelming very quickly as a Transfer student because you’re moving to an unfamiliar school and area. So, take the initiative to make new connections and explore Binghamton. Start building a connection with your professors early! As Transfers, we have spent less time getting to know the faculty members in our respective departments than non-Transfers, which can hurt our chances of getting letters of recommendation. So go to office hours and participate often in class. Go to Transfer Students events! You are bound to make friends with other students who share your experience and have new, fun experiences!
DANIEL CHAVARRIA: The best advice I can give to new transfer students is to first understand that being a Transfer student is in its own way a very special thing. It can be a bit discouraging to feel like you are behind, but it is the complete opposite. We have two years to have the most fun we can, and to work as hard as we can to ultimately leave the University as fulfilled as possible. Furthermore, the best way to get the best out of those two years, is to take advantage of opportunities on campus! Go to Transfer student events, connect with advisors and mentors, talk to people, get involved in things that interest you, and try to enjoy every minute of it.
CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU! All of these motivated Transfer students have taken advantage of all Binghamton University has to offer! If you are just starting out here and need some ideas on how to get acclimated, find an internship, volunteer, research or job opportunity, or how to navigate BU’s academic world, feel free to meet with a professional staff member in Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development and/or Transfer Student Success.